Frequently Asked Questions

The Scholarship was established on November 15th, 2001, in memory of Peter Leitner by his wife Margaret. The scholarship will fund the education of deserving Bermudian students of the visual and performing arts, either in Bermuda or abroad.

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be Bermudian
  • Have ability in chosen arts field (documentation attesting to this fact must be attached to the application)
  • Require financial assistance to study the arts
  • Be accepted at a school or university in a recognised programme for the arts before an applicant can receive an award.

After interviewing short-listed candidates, scholarships will be awarded by the Trustees of The Peter Leitner Scholarship in conjunction with the appointed secretary of the Scholarship Fund.

The Scholarships will be awarded annually. There will be several scholarships for overseas study, and to fund local tuition.

Scholarships will generally be distributed in August of each year, with funds paid by cheque to the relevant recipients.

The scholarship pool is in the region of $30,000 per annum to be distributed to several candidates.

Students aged five and older will be considered.


We encourage recipients who receive a scholarship to apply each subsequent year that they are involved in the course of studies, providing they still meet the criteria for selection.

  • Completed application form.
  • Copy of the applicant's Birth Certificate.
  • Academic certificates and official transcripts.
  • Description of work experience, if applicable.
  • Testimonial from the applicant's arts-related teacher regarding the applicant's ability/experience.
  • Description or examples of any performance experience or portfolio.
  • A general statement, limited to 800 words and in the student's own handwriting, outlining career intentions and goals and why the applicant feels qualified to be awarded a Scholarship. (Note: very young applicants are eligible for a Scholarship, and may be aided with this portion of the application.)
  • If the applicant is under the age of 18 years, the Bermudian-status certificate of a parent.
  • If the applicant is 18 years or over, a certificate from the Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs stating the applicant is Bermudian.
  • Proof of financial need.

Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the first Friday in May of each year prior to studies in the academic year starting that September.

Short-listed candidates will be interviewed in Bermuda and interviews are generally held in July of each year. Dates, time and exact locations will be advised well in advance of interview.

Contact: The Secretary
The Peter Leitner Arts Scholarship
P.O. Box PG 110 Paget.
PG BX Bermuda
Fax: (441) 236-5150